Friday, March 2, 2012

40 percent of security officers lost limbs in the war on terror in KP province

Peshawar – The Pakistan army has given the media access for the first time to those security officers who have lost their Limbs in the war on terror in KP Province. Twenty-six security officers have undergone treatment in military hospitals in Peshawar. The ISPR has arranged visits for the media to those for first time since war on terror started.

Different school-children also visited the CMH hospital to meet with those security officers, mostly cops who lost body parts including arm and feet’s because of I.E.D. blasts, and mostly from Khyber and Orakzai agency under observation of doctors.

In the surgery ward, of CMH Peshawar, security officers were getting treatment from the Pakistan army doctors. Most of the patients in the surgery ward have lost their legs or arms, while some had also lost eyes because of terrorist attacks.

Without hands and feet, the army men have a sense of humor and they feel proud and said "we lost our limbs to save the Pakistani nation."

Talking to the media, one security officer of Mehsood scouts who lost his arms and feet said "its an honor for me. Although I lost limbs in the war, I have courage to fight against these terrorist . One day I will stand again inshallah and I will fight again these terrorist who are targeting innocent people."

Students met with the army cops and gave flowers to these patients. They also took pictures with these army men who were under treatment in CMH Peshawar. Even with arm amputations, most of the security officers still have courage to fight against terrorists.

It’s amazing that no political leader or members of the assembly meet these cops who have lost limbs and are under treatments in different military hospitals.

Students of different schools also visited the monument to the sacrificial victim in Eleven corps headquarters in Peshawar. That was made in 2009. More than three thousand security officers names are on Martyr Monument at Eleven corps. These security officers lost their lives in the war on terror in different operations at Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa.

Students of different schools put the flowers to venerate the Martyr Monument at eleven corps headquarters.

After the ceremony, the Brigadier Nadeem Kamran talked with the media and said that in the operation almezen which is still start in KP province, more than 3 thousand security officers lost their lives and 10 thousand were injured. He further said that those who lost limbs in the operation are now under treatment and when the injures heal, we send them to Rawalpindi hospital where they get artificial limbs. He said forty percent of security officers lost limbs in different operations against terrorist.

Brigadier Nadeem Kamran further said that terrorists are using the name of Islam and targeting schools and innocent people, but our brave soldiers sacrifice for the nation and he thanked God the "situation is much better compared to 2009 and 2010."

The strange thing for journalists is that this is the first time CMH opened for the media, without hesitation, because since 2008 in KP province -- especially in Peshawar -- the Pakistan army made barriers in different roads and with out permission no one could enter on these roads. That made citizens tense. Although making of barriers was for security reasons, its goes against the Pakistan army.

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