Friday, March 2, 2012

Blast in Peshawar, 14 died, 38 Injured in Kohat bus stand.

Peshawar, 14 persons including 2 children was died and 38 persons were injured in a remote control blast in the surrounding area of Peshawar near Kohat bus station.

According to the police that it was a remote control blat the explosive were kept in a car in the result 14 persons including 2 children were died and 38 persons were injured. The dead bodies and injured persons were shifter to the Lady Reading Hospital (LRH) for medical treatment. In this blast 30 cars were damaged. After the blast police cordon off the area.

The Bomb Disposal Unit (BDU) conformed that 45 Kg explosive were used in this blast and it was a remote control blast.

The dead bodies and injured persons were shifted to the nearest hospital Lady Reading (which is the biggest hospital in Peshawar). The hospital faculty conformed that 14 person including 2 children were died and 38 were injured while in injured persons 10 are in critical situation and 5 persons were discharged from the hospital after the medical treatment.

According to sources the main target was army personal whose return to Peshawar on miran shah Adda and terrorist fix a explosive and stand the car their and they want to target the army personal , but the vehicle of army personal exit and after two minute blast occurred in Kohat bus stand.

Police detain one person from Kohat bus stand after the blast , people were found the dead bodies of the people and first investigation report of the blast registered in police station bhana mari area.

Minister information Mian Iftkhar Hussein has also visited the blast place and talks with the media and said that they killing the people with the name of Islam and they are barbarian.

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