Friday, March 2, 2012

3 suicide bomber blow himself in police station Peshawar, 4 died 8 injured On 25 feb

Peshawar – Three dead in an early morning terrorist attack on a police station in Peshawar. Eight others were injured in the attack in which three suicide bombers blew themselves up during an encounter with police.

According to police, three terrorists entered early morning on Friday at Police station C division, alias Thana Kotwali, located in the city. They started firing on police on duty at the main gate of the police station. The terrorists took control of the police station and kidnapped the police inside, including the frontier reserve police also staying in same police station.

The attackers used hand grenades in the attack, and police from different areas were called in to help rescue the police and the station from the terrorists.

Terrorists held police more than one hour in the police station Kotwali, until elite officers and commandos took action, triggering the three suicide bombers to blow themselves up in the police station.

During encounter, police cordoned off the city area from Ganj Road to Circular road and Ghanta Ghar till Begum Shahab Udin girls’ schools. Police also closed down the Begum Shahab Udin girls’ high school and Government High School Takia Sangan because of security concerns.

Two police officers were killed in the encounter and eight were injured. The injured were shifted to Lady Reading Hospital in Peshawar for medical treatment. A bomb disposal unit has checked the three story building of the police station and they also found hand grenades and other heavy weapons related to the terrorists.

According to A.I.G Bomb disposal unit member Shafqat Malik, the suicide bombers used 5 to 6 kilograms of explosive. He also said that the explosive was high density. Police also found the heads and legs of the suicide bombers, which were referred to the police lab for DNA tests.

Chief capital police officer Imtiaz Iltaf also visited the police station and confirmed that suicide bombers used hand grenades against the police. Minister of Information KP province Mian Iftkhar also visited the police station and talked with the media saying that “terrorists want to destabilize provincial government “but we will defeat them. Provincial minister further said that the faces of two of the suicide bombers show that they were brothers, but we are not clear on them after the investigation situation will be clear.

The funeral prayers of the dead police were officially observed in police line at Peshawar Khyber road, chief minister Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa, Governor KP Masood Kauser, Speaker KP Assembly Karamat Ullah Chagar matti also attended the funeral ceremony of the dead police officers.

The chief Minister of KP province talked with the private TV channel and he said that “today's attacks are a reaction to drone attacks in tribal area “.

After the attack police started search operations in different parts of the city and they detained people from the city area including Ring road for investigation. Abdullah Azam Brigade took responsibility for the suicide bombers in Peshawar city. The spokesman Abu zafar talked to the media and said that it’s the reaction of Badr Mansoor, which sustained losses last week in Miran Shah in drone attack.

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